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Add amazing aluminium windows to your home in New Milton for affordable prices with Forest Edge!
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Aluminium windows can take your New Milton home forward in several areas. These designs offer excellent security, thermal performance, and they don’t require a lot of maintenance either.
Unlike other windows, aluminium is a metal design. Because of this, it has excellent strength. Not only that, but the frame is dense while remaining slim. As a result, you’ll get terrific insulation with slim sightlines, for a balance of privacy and natural light.
At Forest Edge Home Improvements, we offer aluminium windows that can enhance any home in New Milton. We’re proud to provide the Alitherm range from SMART. SMART are leaders in the market, and their aluminium has remarkable performance in every area.
Although we’re in the New Forest, we think timber and wooden windows have had their day. So, if you want to bring your home forward into the future, and save money on energy bills, invest in our aluminium windows today.
We know how much you value the security of your home. That’s why our aluminium windows give you total peace of mind. These designs are robust, durable and dense, making them a nightmare for intruders. Not only that, but SMART’s models include leading security hardware, like firm hinges and shootbolts, for added privacy.
Additionally, you can add an aluminium frame to any window style. As a result, you could install a tilt and turn window, which you can open while keeping locked to the central bar.
Aluminium windows can make your home in New Milton more comfortable, too. Your new window will be able to insulate your home and protect it from cold weather. The design is fully weatherproof, with no gaps for draughts to enter your home.
Also, you’ll get advanced double glazing which works with the frame to store more of your home’s natural heat, without letting it escape. Because of this, you can keep warm without relying on your central heating, potentially saving you hundreds on household bills.
In your New Milton home, you may have timber windows that blend in beautifully with your forest surroundings. But these designs are challenging to maintain. The frame can crack, rot, twist and fade, meaning you can end up repainting and revarnishing the windows regularly.
Aluminium windows don’t suffer from these issues, though, and can last for 40, or even 50 years without a fresh lick of paint. Get a window that looks like new for your New Milton home forever.
Be bold with bespoke aluminium windows for your home in New Milton. Our range of RAL colours gives you the choice of several stunning shades from their carefully curated collection. You’ll have a near limitless amount of options for your home, and each colour won’t fade over time, or in bad weather.
The aluminium frame doesn’t fade, so you can be sure that any colour you select for your new windows will stand the test of time.
Are you interested in adding aluminium windows to your New Milton home? Then contact Forest Edge Home Improvements, for the latest, cutting-edge designs.
Our online quote builder is certainly cutting-edge, as you can use it to choose every element of your new aluminium windows. Compare the prices of all our options to find the one that’s right for you, and you’ll get an instant quote based on your ideas.
Also, you can get in touch with the team for any further information by filling out our online contact form.
We look forward to working with you!
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